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Sinek revisits the tenets of servant leadership coined by richard greenleaf in his 1970s article the servant as leader. Some teams thrive in trust and support, while others drown in conflict and betrayal.

Empathy and vulnerability are key characteristics of successful leaders. Transparency and open communication are essential for building trust.

This book dives deep into the inspiring stories and timeless lessons of leaders across various domains. Connects the dots between leadership principles from our ancestral past to their pivotal role in today's corporate battlegrounds. If you're ready t...  Read More


Dopamine short term and greedy- greedy bad. Similar group of people are exposed to risk.

As an independent, i'm genuinely puzzled by this man's perspective. He blindly asserts a lot of assumptions. His political leanings are extremely evident throughout.

Sinek’s work is problematic because the very leadership principles he outlines are intrinsically feminine qualities.

Reagan is very deluded and unrealistic. He frequently blames baby boomers for america's woes, which is odd considering he's a british expatriate. The best part is when he blames millennials' need for instant gratification on their--apparently problema...  Read More

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  • Our engine has discovered that over 90% high quality reviews are present.
  • This product had a total of 16,671 reviews as of our last analysis date on Dec 21 2024.

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    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    It isn’t that i had to simply throw out old ideas i was challenged to have another look at my perceptions and adjust them — sometime dramatically

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