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Pros & Cons

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The little stinker still wants to play with mine but this entertains him for a while. We know what kinds of things fascinate our grandson.

The leapfrog chat and count emoji phone is a cute phone with different play options. My 1yr old is obsessed with phones. This is such a great little phone for the little ones to learn their numbers and a few objects.

Bright, good-sized *. I love how the screen shows actual pictures every time you press a button. Two volume settings. My only con is that i wish it was a little louder.

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Great quality and my grandson loves it.

My grandd daughter she love it she is taking pic with the phone looks real to her she enjoy


They absolutely love them, was really surprised that the price was so reasonable.


She's almost 2 and loves playing with everyone's phones.

Finally she doesn't have to borrow everyone's phone to make her business calls.


  • How are reviewers describing this item?
    old, great, little, loved and durable.
  • Our engine has detected that the listing/variation has anomalous review count history. Please review the historical review count graph.
  • Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there may be deception involved.
  • Our engine has determined that the review content quality is low.
  • Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 61.0% of the reviews are reliable.
  • This product had a total of 13,392 reviews as of our last analysis date on Jan 31 2023.

Helpful InsightsBETA

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    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    The numbers kind of take a little bit of work to push and they’re flat might not be so easy for the little ones

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    Asking kids to press different numbers

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    On the quietest setting it’s loud and i don’t think it’s healthy for childrens ears

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    Toddler entertainment helps on road trips and worked until she dropped it in the toilet

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    If you want a quiet toy this is not for you

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    They often repeat the numbers and it is very didactic

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    Now she doesnt grab my phone

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    I choose this play phone because not only did it have buttons that made sounds etc

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Please note: The content is generated by an AI language model based on reviews. We are constantly improving the accuracy, however, its outputs may contain errors or offensive content from certain reviews. Please report any errors or offensive content to us. Also, please note that we will not collect your questions unless you click the thumbs up/down button to provide feedback. The answers displayed will be stored by us so if another Fakespotter asks a similar question we can provide them an answer faster. Your feedback will only help us make Fakespot Chat better! By using Fakespot Chat, you agree to Fakespot's terms of use and privacy notice.

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