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My toddler loves these not only can he build but he can learn about things (in this case animals and insects) with the smart star station.
I only have 2 complaints: one the suggested build cards are flimsy for the age of the targeted user and two the smart star stat... Read More
I think the price is a good value for a good and well known brand.
So the toy was a lot bigger than expected but the price was totally worth it.
This set allows kids to build little animals with blocks about the size of duplos.
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good, old, little, multiple and great. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is high deception involved.
- This product had a total of 320 reviews as of our last analysis date on May 19 2021.
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Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I only have 2 complaints one the suggested build cards are flimsy for the age of the targeted user and two the smart star station only says limited phrases for blocks that didnt come with the set which my toddler finds frustrating
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Each block had 2 readable sides
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The box that reads the blocks has buttons that can be pushed to play music
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
All while letting your child build animals or towers if that is what they want
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