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This is the last analysis snapshot initiated on Mar 17, 2017.
This is the last analysis snapshot initiated on Mar 17, 2017.
- How are reviewers describing this item?
great, fast, hard, first and built. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has discovered that over 80% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 26 reviews as of our last analysis date on Mar 17 2017.
Reviews Summary
I added a 1 terabyte hard drive into the dvd slot partitioned the ssd to give windows a small place to live and made a boot partition for linux mint 18
I contacted oem once again and was told it is a lenovo problem and to contact ibm
Lenovo called and said since the harddrive was 3rd party there would be a fee to fix it or they can ship it back with the bad harddrive
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