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Pros & Cons
Binders are always needed when liberating toxins that have been stored away in body tissues, especially the brain. My dad is a type ii diabetic who has for years been suffering with numbness and tingling in his hands. Along with some other things, thi... Read More
Life extension products are fine, but they need to stop using underlines and italics and bold in the same sentence. Thankfully, life extension has a great product that is less expensive now. Combine with bearclawextracts.
Life extension's labeling this product is deceptive. Their deception costs me $14. They are either out of stock and won't admit it or just incompetent!
I take r-ala as an amazing remedy for many things: it restores my blood sugar levels, my metabolism, hormonal balance, lung hea... Read More
It can be taken anytime with or without food, but the best way to get benefits from just 1 a day is with water on an empty stom... Read More
I have just completed the first bottle and i can say there has definitely been a decrease in the numbness and tingling.
A bit expensive but good product and good quality
I get a very bad acid reflux with any other brand that i use.
R-ala is so overlooked compared to regular ala due to the fact that r-type is 9x more effective.
- How are reviewers describing this item?
acid, good, alpha, best and regular. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has detected that Amazon has altered, modified or removed reviews from this listing. We approximate total reviews altered up to 308.
- Our engine has discovered that over 80% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 1,878 reviews as of our last analysis date on Dec 20 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I was starting to feel numbness and tingling in my fingers most mornings
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It doesn’t give me acid reflux
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I get a very bad acid reflux with any other brand that i use
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
They eventually gave me credit however i would either need to take it up with amazon or purchase it directly from them
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Hence that is why i canceled it from amazon
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It can be taken anytime with or without food but the best way to get benefits from just 1 a day is with water on an empty stomach in the pm
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Another astounding reveal is its water and fat solubility
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Rala is so overlooked compared to regular ala due to the fact that rtype is 9x more effective
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