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Fits perfectly and seems to be of good quality.
The zipper works very smoothly & securely!
It doesn’t keep you cool it’s an even keel.
I believe this would slip and slide around if it didn't have supports to hold it in.
It is a good value and offers great protection for your boxspring.
It was very inexpensive so i didn’t expect too much but just what i needed.
The new matress & box spring was $1200.
By the time the customer serice got back to me, and said hot water, i already had it washed, dried and on the bed.
The package was delivered quickly, it's a little loose on my box spring but hopefully it won't be a problem.
This encasement fit my king boxspring which is a split boxspring and dark brown.
I liked the box spring cover it is a perfect fit.
The encasement not only added a layer of protection but made my bed look more complete by tying the two boxspring together and ... Read More
Previously the dark brown box springs had a few inches of visibility from the footboard which i did not like as it clashed with... Read More
- How are reviewers describing this item?
good, easy, fit, size and quality. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has detected that Amazon has altered, modified or removed reviews from this listing. We approximate total reviews altered up to 46981.
- Our engine has discovered that over 80% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 6,424 reviews as of our last analysis date on Dec 5 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It also looks fabulous even though its mostly tucked into the bed frame and you only see a small portion
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
My issue was that there are no instructions how to wash cold or hot so i googled
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
By the time the customer serice got back to me and said hot water i already had it washed dried and on the bed
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
You can only email them as they are apparently very busy
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
On every box spring i have ever had my cat has clawed a hole in the bottom of the box spring so he can crawl up and into the box spring for naps
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I was purchasing a new box spring and wanted to protect the value for as long as i could so i bought this in hopes that it would be harder for my cat to get into
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Note youll want to have a tight fitting bedframe if you plan to use this product
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I believe this would slip and slide around if it didnt have supports to hold it in
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