I’ve only done a few test on this battery it seems like it has everything going good ii like the instructions and the terminal connections.
These 200 bms batteries seem like they should be able to run the sustained wattage demand from the mower.
Tried some other batteries that only had a 100bms system and they only ran for a year or so.
Have hooked up to pure sine wave inverter for back up of pellet stove shut main power, hot water heater plug in to wall socket ... Read More
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Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Trying on a ryobi 48 volt lawn mower
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
That i converted from lead acid
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Tried some other batteries that only had a 100bms system and they only ran for a year or so
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I wish they would send two different size mates for multiple connections
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Have hooked up to pure sine wave inverter for back up of pellet stove shut main power hot water heater plug in to wall socket back feed though also have gas honda 2000i that dose the same