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Please note: The content is generated by an AI language model based on reviews. We are constantly improving the accuracy, however, its outputs may contain errors or offensive content from certain reviews. Please report any errors or offensive content to us. Also, please note that we will not collect your questions unless you click the thumbs up/down button to provide feedback. The answers displayed will be stored by us so if another Fakespotter asks a similar question we can provide them an answer faster. Your feedback will only help us make Fakespot Chat better! By using Fakespot Chat, you agree to Fakespot's terms of use and privacy notice.

Pros & Cons

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Loving the adjustability. The auto modes are nice (sleeping, reading & zero gravity) but the reading mode seems a bit pretzel-y. The massage setting, feels like you’re just rattling.

Had one from the crafty people. This one is stable, well crafted and the assembly is just what they claimed. The remote has a flashlight.

The bed is very well built and works flawlessly and almost silently. The massage feature is more of a vibration but it is very soothing.

The massaging feature is awesome. Anyways, it works great and i love it. The price is so affordable there’s no reason to buy any other brand!


Lucid (amazon) said pack it up and send it back. No markings on carton exterior specifying position listed in manual by which to open carton. First page of instructions emphatically says to call the manufacturer first before contacting whomever you pu...  Read More

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The frame feels sturdy and well-built, giving me confidence that it will last for years.

I was worried that an adjustable bed might be noisy or disruptive, but the motor on this base is whisper-quiet and operates smoothly.

The foot motor was functioning (by pressing the head button on the remote) while the head motor was rendered unresponsive.

About a month ago, mid-massage cycle, the foot motor stopped working while the head motor continued to operate.


Got this lucid for an acceptable price after researching the market and loved it.

Got this bed for half the price that these mattress furniture stores were charging and i love it.


I’m in my seventy’s so i paid for the delivery and setup.

It set up very quickly and came with good instructions.


They removed the packaging when they left so it was a very pleasant experience.


On 09/05 i responded, once again explaining the situation, specifically indicating that this has absolutely nothing to do with ...  Read More


  • How are reviewers describing this item?
    adjustable, motor, base, two and heavy.
  • Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
  • Our engine has detected that Amazon has altered, modified or removed reviews from this listing. We approximate total reviews altered up to 474.
  • Our engine has discovered that over 80% high quality reviews are present.
  • This product had a total of 10,458 reviews as of our last analysis date on Dec 24 2024.

Helpful InsightsBETA

The AI used to provide these results are constantly improving. These results might change.

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    With someone to help you could probably do it in 5 minutes

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    There needs to be a lot of structural support to lift a mattress and two adults safely

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    But it feels solid and my bed does not move on this frame when i get up or move around

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    The bed looks like it is floating without a bed skirtdue to the placement of the legs

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    My husband had to remove a riveted in metal slat from our original bed frame to allow room for the legs at the bottom of the adjustable frame to fit inside our old bed frame

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    We mostly want the head raised a little for sleeping

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    Its a high bed but my tall husband appreciates the height and im not likely to fall out of bed

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    I read reviews saying tipping may be an issue for some people

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