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Well, what can i say, these are very comfy and have good quality.
Excellent quality, great fit and fun patterns!
I find after about 4-5 years the elastic on the waste and legs loses it's elasticity and have to throw them out and buy new ones.
This particular set didn't seem long-leg but the others i have bought that were solid colors, were.
Color selection is curious too with one two plain and one funky pair and, as usual, the price will vary as much as $15 dependin... Read More
Yeah, they not as cheap as fruit of the loom.
The picture didn't look long but i thought it's a mistake.
Regardless, they feel great, are of great quality, and simply just a superior brand compared to fruit of the loom, hanes, etc.
Look great, they’re comfy and last longer than other brands tried.
The stitching seems to hold up a lot longer on these than my adidas or value brand underwear.
I keep coming back to lucky brand for my boxer briefs.
- How are reviewers describing this item?
fit, comfortable, great, soft and lucky. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has discovered that over 90% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 1,723 reviews as of our last analysis date on Jun 4 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Cant go wrong with lucky brand
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
After 3 years of cycling through the same 9 pair a couple are starting wear thin in some spots that will eventually become holes
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
At first i thought all underwear is pretty much the same i mean like its not a much sophisticated product
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
To my surprise i noticed that drawers have differen ratings varying from 2 to almost 5 stars
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
So i chose these due to the high rating and pretty print
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Lucky brand underwear is all i wear
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The waistband is the same quality which usually they are not as the rest
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I find after about 45 years the elastic on the waste and legs loses its elasticity and have to throw them out and buy new ones
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