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Pros & Cons
I chew it up a little to break it up, then drink it down with plenty of water.
The mag i received from you is much too big for me to *. The uncomfortable feeling when it goes down the esophagus is really terrible.
I misread the information and didn't order the correct product. Looks like the label was printed on an ink jet home printer. I wish my brand loyalty would’ve paid off.
Product works great and promotes good sleep however, the pills are huge and very difficult to swallow, which is why i can only ... Read More
Great product, the only reason i have it 4 stars is because the tablets are so large they can be hard to swallow.
These were easy to chew, and broke apart easily.
After a stroke my left leg tendons and toes would tighten and curl under.
This product was good value for money
It does work as intended and is a fairly good price.
It only takes 2 tablets to give you 95% of daily magnesium, vs 4-6 of other companies.
Otherwise, good product bc some other competitors have so little magnesium malate in them, that i would have to take six!
Check out the picture i posted and note how big they are in comparison to my ring and fingers.
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large, great, size, huge and tried. - Our engine has detected that the listing/variation has anomalous review count history. Please review the historical review count graph.
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- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 61.1% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 1,760 reviews as of our last analysis date on Dec 10 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Check out the picture i posted and note how big they are in comparison to my ring and fingers
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I rarely have problems taking pills but these are too big and get caught in my throat
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I am disappointed however that i have to take 4 pills in order to reach the 400 mg serving size
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It is not pleasant to swallow that many pills and it also creates less value for your money
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Other magnesium compounds are not easily absorbed according to research that we did
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
My wife has to ground hers up
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
If they made 200mg that we took two of that would be a huge improvement
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
We take magnesium malate every day
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