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Pros & Cons
Soundbars typically have a floor mounted subwoofer. If you put it on a desk with a wall behind it, it reflects the deep bass so it surrounds you in the room. Bass is solid and tight, highs are crisp and the midrange does not fail to deliver.
This has to be the best sounding and loudest bluetooth speaker that you can buy for your money at this point. The acoustic detail f m this speaker is amazing. It is better than my iphone 11 pro, my friend used to complain a lot about low volume from m... Read More
Quality of medium and high are stupendous. Highs are not shrieking or muddy. This helps alleviate boominess.
When music begins to play on them, it awakens on its own from stand-by. When powered on and off, it plays a little guitar riff which i personally love.
Looking to just move to a full-time hardwired connection to an old iphone. Tried with different laptops, but same issue, means there is the problem with the speaker rather than my laptops. Logistic charges to return the speaker to amazon is more than ... Read More
It's completely annoying to put on music and then 2 minutes later some other family member's podcast episode is blasting out of the speaker. Result is volume constantly and randomly changing.
It's completely unresponsive. The bluetooth connectivity is poorest, with about 5 times notifying them, they are not able to find a solution.
Very impressive the quality of this sound system.
Very full sound and gets plenty loud in the shop even over all the loud tools and stuff.
Older reviewthis is my first bluetooth headphone, never been fan of bluetooth because of poor audio quality.
Worst thing i’ve developed tinnitus because of these headphones.
I got a very good deal for $349 on sales.
I got this product on sale for $350, which is an absolute steal.
Pricey but i'm not disappointed at all!
The sound quality is great compared to my existing bose.
The woburn is a significantly better speaker for just a little bit more money, i'd highly recommend the upgrade.
Compared to the other version, the frequency range is much lower down to 50hz.
I do prefer mesa guitar amps to marshall so i am eager to see if mesa will release something like this.
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quality, bass, better, good and ii. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has detected that Amazon has altered, modified or removed reviews from this listing. We approximate total reviews altered up to 28.
- Our engine has discovered that over 80% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 1,517 reviews as of our last analysis date on Dec 21 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Very loud and solid marshall sound
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Even if you don’t play guitar you look cool
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I do prefer mesa guitar amps to marshall so i am eager to see if mesa will release something like this
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Hats off to marshall from lifetime rock guitar player though
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I had no idea it wasnt battery powered
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
But theres no way something that powerful could be
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
My major complaint is that something this heavy should have a handle
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Lol didn’t help at all their suggestion to place them no farther than 3’ apart is lame
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