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Pros & Cons
This guitar is an adult guitar that i perform with live and it blows the gs mini away. Surprising big sound from such a little guitar.
I was plsemtly surprised with the quality of the sound and the build of this guitar.
The superb build quality from the craftsmen in martins own navajoa mexico shop is all the better.
The necks vary too much with straightness.
I stupidly could not find the strap nob and the seller responded rapidly with the answer i needed!
The vendor set it up and tuned it for me before shipping, so thanks for that, guys/gals.
Also good it comes with a bag instead of a 50lb case that barely fits in trunk of car.
I love the size, too, much more comfortable than a full-size dreadnaught.
Lots of the usa models when played live have a harmonic that rings and ruins the signal.
My only improvements, i added a small size om style pickgaurd upgraded black tusq bridge pins and experimenting with strings al... Read More
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size, great, good, quality and small. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there may be deception involved.
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- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 67.8% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 43 reviews as of our last analysis date on Dec 14 2022.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Little bit tried of these small martins being classified as backpacking or beach guitars
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Perhaps the martin minis are that because they are really just 6 string ukes
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Because the gs mini is just a bit too small to sound right live and u pros know what i mean
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
So take the stock martin strings off first thing and dont order any martin strings for a martin
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Someone should tell martin or did how important that is for gigs
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I have tried the martin usa 00 smaller line of 15s 16s 17 and 18 series
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The necks vary too much with straightness
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Lots of the usa models when played live have a harmonic that rings and ruins the signal
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