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Pros & Cons
This is looks milky and has enough of a taste that it makes me want to gag. Sour taste, just disgusting. This isn't even the white color of the others-it has sort of a yellow cast to it.
Quality product, this powder better than liquid form.
It mixes easily (no clumping), it does not change the taste of my coffee and i am confident that it has aided in the loss of al... Read More
I was told though take it slow starting out with a teaspoon twice a day for about a week working your way up to two tablespoons a day.
Just a word of caution, to avoid intestinal issues start with a 1 tsp and work your way up to a scoop over the course of a week.
Like it arrived in a timely manner
I like the packaging too, although it's tough to fit the scoop back in during the first few uses.
I also use an mct oil (different brand) but may start using the powder exclusively.
Tastes better than others i have tried that were more expensive.
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- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 78.1% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 1,553 reviews as of our last analysis date on Nov 29 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I am on keto and wanted to try
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It’s great that it’s unflavored and it blends in easily
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Haven’t been using this very long to really give a review just yet
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I was told though take it slow starting out with a teaspoon twice a day for about a week working your way up to two tablespoons a day
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
No flavor so can be used in anything
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Most of it dissolved but always had clumps
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Had to use spoon to crush the clumps against the cup side
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Tasted ok no flavor but kinda gave creaminess
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