I have fallen in love with the imagery and characters terry pratchet brings to life with his words.
Trolls are best characters, their fan hats and relationship with dwarfs make me very happy.
While all of the early discworld books are great, men at arms joins small gods in sir terry’s expanding trajectory iof quality ... Read More
After rincewind he's my favourite in disc world.
It became living and breathing world, not unlike our own (excluding orangutan librarians of course).
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Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Oh and amazon is stupid for requiring 20 words minimum
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
This book is exactly what experienced readers expect from sir terry and hope for from other authors brilliance erudition scathing satire
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Im not sure if this is supposed to be childrens literature
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
A book of humor and wit but leavened with biting satire and a serious assessment of the nature of insert oppressing species insert descriptive term for oppressing species to insert species being oppressed e
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Pritchett is a god of satire mashing shakespeare look a hack
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The whole night watch series is offthecharts
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
In this instance the city is in chaos captain vimes is retiring and the patrician stands down the watch
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Of course corporal carrot actingconstable detritus and the rest of the night watch find ways to come to the rescue