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Pros & Cons
Merrell's jungle mocs/slip-on-shoes are simply the best thing you could wear on your feet. Love the soles and treads. Perfect fit on my size 7m feet. They look good with jeans and they’re almost as comfortable as nice slippers.
A great value for sub $50 price. These are simply the best shoes i've ever had. Gongon na na.
They are some of the most comfortable shoes i have ever worn. My husband literally wears them every day until they are ready for the trash. I am diabetic and it is very difficult to find comfortable shoes but these really fit the bill.
The shoes are overpriced and cheaply made. Wet shoe bottom provides zero grip on many surfaces. If you live in the pnw or some other wet location this is not the shoe for you.
The sneaker fits loosely enough on the foot compared to the left sneaker to create a feeling of discomfort.
The original ones are thin and have no cushioning at all. Now they are uncomfortable and extremely lumpy inside on my soles. Even with insoles they are not that great anymore. The insole is noticeably thinner than previously.
The tread is pretty good too, gives good stability.
He loves the comfort, looks, and arch support.
They wear out on the bottom when all the grove pattern finally get rubbed off.
The pictured pair have been worn by me for over one year.
A bit of a discount from retail in stores selling this product where i live.
Keep an eye out for sales on amazon and woot where you can get them for almost half the retail price.
He loves them better than the sas and the treads are better as well.
I hope these 'break in' as easily as the last pair.
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comfortable, good, great, fit and last. - Our engine has detected that Amazon has altered, modified or removed reviews from this listing. We approximate total reviews altered up to 35385.
- Previous analysis of this listing was an D grade.
- Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there may be deception involved.
- Our engine has determined that the review content quality is low.
- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 60.3% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 32,696 reviews as of our last analysis date on Nov 29 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I have multiple pairs of these that i keep in the garage or buy doors to slip on before going outside
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
After a little break in time they are super easy to slip on and off without using your hands
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I use them mostly for walking the dog and wanted something relatively easy to slip on and off which they are
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
A bit of a discount from retail in stores selling this product where i live
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Just be sure you receive the correct color and size
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I wanted something truly slip on and preferably hands frees mostly i can just step in to them
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I dont wear them all the time though they certainly are comfortable enough to do so
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Each pair lasts for me anyway about two years
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