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Pros & Cons
Met rx super cookie crunch bars are a great meal replacement option or pre- or post-workout snack. I prefer the cookie crunch as that taste best to me out of most of the others.
Love everything about met-rxwhat i like the most is gluten free, 32 grams protein, high calories, 18 vitamins and minerals, tas... Read More
This is one of the best bars i’ve ever had.
Even with the balanced ingredients i still found it to be alot of food in one bar.
I've managed to cut back on sugar because of these protein bars, which have improved my mood and energy level.
Great for the price and the calorie-protein amounts offered.
I purchased these at wegmans at a much higher price & was happy to find them on amazon at $18.
It was way cheaper than buying from other stores!
It great with it’s value but if you are looking for fast too, you better pick another taste
But things have came a long way.
These arrived perfectly wrapped securely in the box.
I received my package, but i did not like the idea of it being open
They are usually well packaged and don't break in transit.
I think the 'anabar' brand bars taste slightly better, but they're like 1/3 the size and they melt at room temperature, so i'm ... Read More
It’s better than going to ben & jerry’s or jack in the box.
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good, great, best and tried. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has detected that Amazon has altered, modified or removed reviews from this listing. We approximate total reviews altered up to 6534.
- Our engine has discovered that over 80% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 11,121 reviews as of our last analysis date on Oct 16 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
If you love apples youll probably love this protein bar
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Sometimes the protein bars are an acquired taste from sugarysicklysweet to a lighter more unusual flavor
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It never leaves me unsatisfied
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Peanut butter pretzel taste is mostly good but very messy to eat and pretzels are dry5
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I think the anabar brand bars taste slightly better but theyre like 13 the size and they melt at room temperature so im sticking with metrx
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The place that sells this brand around me never has this flavor
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Even with the balanced ingredients i still found it to be alot of food in one bar
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Screw desert ill take one of these after a meal
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