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Pros & Cons
The crabapple design is very pretty in person. Not too big. Can put a soup thermos in, sushi container, you name it. This lunchbox is perfect!
Bought this for our teenage son. It seems perfectly sturdy for purpose.
Used for breastmilk storage in the storage bags. He prefers to take a lunch from home each day. With ice packs, keeps food cold for ~ 4 hrs.
It's not insulate. But they are constantly dripping from the top and bottom. It's very small, flimsy, and didn't keep my food cold.
I am happy with the product quality and durability.
Been using it for a few years and everything is holding up great.
Bought this for a breast milk storage bag when i return to work.
The quality seems good and i have used an oversized tupperware a few time and it was hard to zip around it but it did it withou... Read More
Great price, perfect size to fit into a backpack with lots of other stuff in it.
Good for the price and perfect for just lunch or snacks.
I bought this to hold my kitties flovent inhaler and aerokat delivery tube for her asthma.
I like that it’s insulated and is the perfect size to pack in my golf bag.
Zipper, insulation, and exterior fabric all better than some more expensive lunch bags purchased in the past.
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fit, small, size, perfect and great. - Our engine has detected that the listing/variation has anomalous review count history. Please review the historical review count graph.
- Our engine has detected that Amazon has altered, modified or removed reviews from this listing. We approximate total reviews altered up to 877.
- Previous analysis of this listing was an C grade.
- Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there may be deception involved.
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- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 70.9% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 5,232 reviews as of our last analysis date on Nov 28 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It definitely works but i wouldn’t suggest it will keep easily perishable items cold enough for more than a few hours in hot weather with direct sunlight or heat exposure
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
But in a backpack or locker or something it should do just fine
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Has some give to fit a little more stuff
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
If you carry alot this wont be a good fit
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Its smaller than i thought but its ok if snack are few as its holding capacity is small
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
So far it has done well keeping the cold foods cold but fails to keep the hot items warm
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Most definitely not as long as it is advertised
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