This book is great standalone, and even better with the rest of the series.
Linsays books can be counted on to deliver a high quality read.
Not because of any issue with the description but because it has been so long since i've read something other than fanfiction.
Buroker is an excellent writer and i own almost all of her books.
Nice prelude to the series which explains much about the characters but a rather thin book for the price.
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Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I found the characters pithy dialogue refreshingly downtoearth
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I have many i can read again but wait impatiently for new releases
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The only con to the book is the heroine is a blond
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Interesting from start to finish the hero never gets lost in her internal monologuing which is a very sad trend and although one of the good guys died the book ended on an up note
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
All that explained plus a good story
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I started with this book and read straight through all seven books from this prequel book zero to book six
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
But the path it takes along the way is as unpredictable as ever
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Impatiently waiting for book six