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Pros & Cons
Hugh howey wraps the fantastical in emotions that are common to us all. His characters never feel superficial or stereotypical. Not as heavy as some of hugh's other works but still fantastic.
Molly fyde is a 16-year-old navy cadet. Her legacy is the ship parsons. In this fast-paced book molly has some interesting adventures.
Cole is too busy being soooooooo cute to actually have a point of view on anything that happens. It is difficult to follow, or maybe i was just too disengaged from the story to care. Cheesy characters and dialog.
Wonderful characters and storyline, not too heavy on tech speak and bling and enough thoughtful-thinking to round out the book.
Great pace good concepts well worth it.
Very good writing, the last half was difficult to put down.
Not absolutely astonishing writing like that in the wool series, but a good yarn and worth reading nonetheless.
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good, next, great, written and young. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has discovered that over 90% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 1,952 reviews as of our last analysis date on May 10 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Loads of action and adventure fantastic worlds snappy repartee and many surprises i wont spoil for you
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Even after reading over 500 books since then this series sticks with me and doesnt merely blend into all the other science fiction ive read
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
This book goes places that most people wont
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I should probably read it again
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Perhaps that’s why it popped up ims suggestions for me
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The old school science fiction i grew up on just portrayed female characters as playthings or beaaatches
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
His writing didn’t require them to be sexbombs or weak but depicts women’s as full characters
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Not howeys most sophisticated or engrossing tale but one with good characters and adventure
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