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However the true deliciousness and yummy sensations of this drink both really come to life with the store bought version.
Do not pay this unless you live in a very remote area and have no other way to get the product!
This is probably my favorite, along with the white out and voltage!
I am not claiming taco bell has done anything wrong with baja blast - i am only saying that there is a noticeable difference in... Read More
Hate the price and how much it cost me from seller but the manufacturer makes a great drink!
However unless you get free shipping the total purchase price is going to far exceed what you would pay even at regular retail prices.
25 per case at the local grocery, so i just laugh when i see the price tags 5 to 10 times that.
Without a doubt, i think we will see this back in the cans and bottles, seeing that taco bell wants in on the rights to this ma... Read More
(my box got damaged, but i did get a good refund - amazon service is really starting to rival w ebay!
I've always been a citris drink lover, but when i finally had my first couple of sips of this,.
Too expensive due to high demand and low stock at markets.
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good, great and limited. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 76.4% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 394 reviews as of our last analysis date on Nov 8 2021.
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Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Im positive baja blast will be restocked a couple more times before the sweepstakes games endi paid 3
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I wondered if there was a drink that would rival the code red mountain dew
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Ended up getting a small stash of blast before it was pulled from the store shelves
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Worth every penny cant find this any where i would pay up to 50 for 12 cans anybody who thinks its overpriced does not understand luxury
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Wish i tried it sooner when it was new at taco bell
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
But for when you want something a little different in your soda right now there is no better choice that you could possibly make
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I have bought this 12 pack twice recently once from a grocery store for 4
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