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Pros & Cons
I'm a licensed esthetician and my clients are always shocked when i tell them i am 40. The average age i always get is 28. Now that i've been taking them a week, it's not nearly as bad.
Something is wrong with them and i'm afraid to take them.
Murad's youth builder and cell wetsuit supplements to my regimen and i have noticed a difference in the appearance of fine line... Read More
I’ve been using these vitamins since my early twenties and my skin has always look amazing.
2 months ago, i started using dermatologist prescribed retin-a as well as a c-serum.
I have used this product several times and always gets rid of the dark spots that show up on my face from the sun.
It is a bit pricey but if you are like i used to be, i bought vitamins and a number of supplements so it balances out in price.
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bad. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has discovered that over 90% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 36 reviews as of our last analysis date on Jun 17 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I wont ever run out again this supplement works
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I recently was having trouble with skin and extremely slow hair growth even with a hair skin and nails suppelments
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
In 46 weeks i had so much new growth and baby hairs i had to get another cut
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Yes the pills stink and awful taste but you know its potent
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Ive only been using a week so cant really see any visible results yet although my skin does appear brighter
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
One thing i wanted to mention is that the first couple times i took these i got what can only be referred to as a buzz
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I dont know if its the high amounts of vitamin b but be aware you may get a little shaky the first few times you take these
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Now that ive been taking them a week its not nearly as bad but i didnt see where anyone else had mentioned that as a possibility
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