It's is a very good books for kids who starts their learning, helps them to improve their writing skills.
Improves the ability of the child in handling the pen or pencil.
Play videoplaymutecurrent time 0:00/duration 1:25loaded: 0%0:00stream type liveseek to live, currently behind liveliveremaining... Read More
The pen that's provided will not work for long.
Best book within budget for kids to start writing.
You can buy the similar kind from a local market and use this wonderful n attractive book effectively.
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- This product had a total of 190 reviews as of our last analysis date on Jun 20 2024.
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Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Play videoplaymutecurrent time 000duration 125loaded 0000stream type liveseek to live currently behind liveliveremaining time 125 1xplayback ratechapterschaptersdescriptionsdescriptions off selectedcaptionscaptions off selectedaudio trackdefault selectedfullscreenthis is a modal window
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The pen thats provided will not work for long
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The pen included with this book is average
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Its a good product for toddlers who are just about to start writing