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Pros & Cons
Tried this on a whim, and was shocked to find way better relief than any of those medications. I recommend this to anyone who is tired of popping advils and other over the counter medicine. It is the best pill i have ever taken.
Supplement has greatly reduced the number of migraine days. I have struggled with headaches for years since having 2 concussions. I am able to sleep much more comfortably because my head can peacefully rest on my pillow.
Chronic migraine sufferer here. Around 3:00 is when my migraines would start! Just a light headache that day til 8:30 pm. I have a slight headache still but it doesn't impede on my workday.
The suggested usage is “1 capsule 3 times a day with a meal”. Do not exceed 2 capsules per day. They no longer suggest that for migraine help due to liver damage it causes.
The pills are easy to swallow and so far have been effective- migraine has lessened!
These are easy to swallow gel caps with great fragrance and flavor.
After the 8th week i even cut the pills down to 2 a day!
It's kickin my ass) for the last 2 months after having regularly managed migraines for years.
It's a little bit pricey but worth every penny to me.
My head and neck dr suggested this as an all natural alternative to another med (nortriptyline) to see if it helps keep the diz... Read More
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- This product had a total of 2,861 reviews as of our last analysis date on Nov 30 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Since 2017 ive suffered from mild to severe chronic migraines
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Only two have been bad enough where i had to vomit and the last one took me out of work
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Injections dont work or im allergic to most so my doctor told me about this little treasure
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I will say that just because it works for me doesnt necessarily mean it will work for everyone we are all different so our body reacts differently
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I have noticed that if i take it at the onset of the headache it works much better than having waited until i have a full blown headache
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I have had severe daily migraines for the past two years
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I was taking way too much alieve a triptan and migraine pill daily and a monthly shot
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I even had a spinal blood patch done to try to help and nothing got rid of the daily pain
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