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Pros & Cons
Canus goats milk soap and lotion. Love this soap and the lotion.
Canus goats milk bar soap, original fragrance. Style fragrance free, the title description says shea butter (as does the picture). It has almost no scent although there's a slight smell that’s probably just the soap ingredients and not perfume. The sc... Read More
My skin feels smooth and soft with the faint smell of a fresh spring morning. My elbows and knees are very soft! It leaves my face feeling clean, soft, and smooth. It does better to give me clear skin than most overpriced face washes i’ve bought.
The perfumery smell is over powering. Since its name includes nature i assumed incorrectly that it might have a light or fresh smell.
I can’t say nothing negative about this product.
Kudos to amazon for accepting my request for a refund and i subsequently was able to order the correct product.
I love the product but i ordered 4 bars of soap but my package was torn open with a rubber band around the package and there wa... Read More
Next time i will buy it from amazon because the price is $1 cheaper.
I check the price everyday and it goes up and down daily.
I’m attempting to switch more and more of my beauty products to plastic free packaging and this was my first choice of body soap.
- How are reviewers describing this item?
soft, dry, sensitive, clean and good. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has discovered that over 80% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 486 reviews as of our last analysis date on Jun 15 2022.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I love the product but i ordered 4 bars of soap but my package was torn open with a rubber band around the package and there was only 3 bars of soap when i received it
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
My husband tells me i smell like an old lady when i use it though so there’s that
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I generally buy fragrancefree soaps but i purchased this due to the high reviews
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
If you select style fragrance free the title description says shea butter as does the picture
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
If you select style shea butter the title and picture says fragrance free
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Kudos to amazon for accepting my request for a refund and i subsequently was able to order the correct product
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