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Pros & Cons
This colombian instant coffee is so delicious that nobody will be able to tell it is an instant coffee. The aroma fills the house.
The cans were discontinued and replaced by large glass jars. Description is misleading and inaccurate. Products are not returnable but if you call customer service they will refund you!
To me it's the best tasting coffee i ever had, even better than any home brewed coffee in a pot.
We happen to love this coffee and the nescafe uk instant.
I must have a cup every morning and my day is made.
I detest sugar in my coffee but this is not sweet, the small amount cuts the coffee just right
It's damn more costly than anything else in a supermarket, so my suggestion is to try the smallest jar first.
I wish i'd be, for a discount.
Always been pleased with shipper, size of jars.
All the coffee cans arrived sooner than i expected and in perfect condition.
As a bonus gift, the seller packed, along with the cans, some sample bags of another good colombian coffee.
- How are reviewers describing this item?
size, many, great, smooth and delicious. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has discovered that over 90% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 96 reviews as of our last analysis date on Jul 13 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I must have a cup every morning and my day is made
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
This is the 2nd time weve ordered
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It is a fine coffee unlike any other and its a total shame it cant be found in the states
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
We call that 34dolca batido34
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
For the last 30 years my wife would bring a suitcase full of dolca when she visited colombia but flying is too hard now in our age
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Its damn more costly than anything else in a supermarket so my suggestion is to try the smallest jar first
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Please be aware that you might become addicted to its superior flavor
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I cant explain why but my idea is that they might not put as much preservatives into dolca like we do in this country
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