Have been thoroughly pleased with the purchase.
Laughably, they kept presenting me with the wrong (mains) product as these comparatively costly units are held under lock & key.
The app will then upload your home wifi settings to the device so it can connect with the internet.
Once downloaded you like the device with the app by typing in or scanning a code on the smoke alarm.
But it's a good looking price of kit.
I love the simple apple looking packaging!
Also good that it works with our lifx bulbs to flash red when there is an emergency.
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- This product had a total of 146 reviews as of our last analysis date on Mar 6 2022.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
If this were an apple product im sure the design aspect would be denigrated at that typically misunderstood superficial level by those who have no understanding of anything beyond basic
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I have some minor comments on the setup process many will find it counterintuative as i did setting the unit up over wifi and smartphone before physical installation
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Without reading the instructions i also depressed the unit only once to test not realising that additional functionality is offered by a double press
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I would argue that for an item installed overhead at armslength a double press is not intuitive
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Perhaps an immediate menu might work better
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
After using the app it made perfect sense to install the protect smoke alarms
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Everyone in the house is using the app on their phones
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
One evening while sitting in the lounge the wife opened the oven in the kitchen after burning something and the smoke escaped the oven