Seem solidly constructed, size 10 wide fit perfectly
Best darn pairs of shoes i've bought in a long, long time.
The shoes are not designed for wet weather use.
He was complaining that his feet, legs/knees, and back were hurting after working 10-12 hour days.
I have bought several "used like new" products from amazon for a lower price and have never been disappointed.
A good strong shoe for a good price.
He is not one for spending a lot of money on shoes.
Good value for the buck when i buy them when they are on sale.
I shipped the shoes to thailand via a us-based freight forwarder so getting the size right was imperative as returns/exchange n... Read More
Been out walking most days since delivery and again no adverse reaction of any sort.
However i had an old pair of nb trainers from the uk so an email to nb customer service, dealt with expeditiously, confirmed wh... Read More
The fit is better than my previous brand.
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Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
These 2e mw577 walking shoes are slightly wider than my 4e mx608 nb cross trainers so theyre closer to a 4e width but i knew that
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
On line ordering amazon works as long as nb does not alter the style or design
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Most are regular extra wide
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I bought a pair within a week i purchased another as a back up
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I had previously worn this in the 4e width which were slightly too wide
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Please be aware that these run a whole size too narrow
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
There is a small amount of silver around the new balance tag on the back
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
A bit snug probably should have ordered 4e