It’s well worth a read and easily worth the 5/5 star rating.
I particularly liked the parallel format so you learn about the main players almost together and are able to chart their develo... Read More
Morcan’s account of life on an 18th century ship is almost equally terrifying.
Subsequently captain cook and nicholas sail to niew zeeland (the name dutch explorer abel tasman assigned to the land he discov... Read More
Captain james cook, with the 17-year-old nicholas young accompanying cook as the surgeon’s boy, sail from england to tahiti whe... Read More
I’m amazed at how much has been packed into this wonderful book.
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- This product had a total of 25 reviews as of our last analysis date on Mar 15 2025.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
An adventurous tale with a dash of romance
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
A fictionalized account of captain cook’s first voyage around the world its focus is the combined royal navyroyal society’s expedition to tahiti to observe venus’s transit across the sun followed by exploration to discover terra australis incognita or what is now known as australia
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
However the novel centers on cook’s discovery of and stay on new zealand and the maoris’ arrival there several hundred years earlier
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I think most of us are more familiar with australia just over the tasman sea from new zealand’s two islands
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
New zealand novelist and screenwriter lance morcan is a former journalist and newspaper editor with thirty published books to his credit
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Captain james cook with the 17yearold nicholas young accompanying cook as the surgeon’s boy sail from england to tahiti where nicholas bonds with tahiti’s queen obadia
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