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Pros & Cons
Nitrosurge is the only preworkout i can use because it’s more mild for my stomach issues (gerd) it makes me sassy and provides the needed nutrients i am lacking due to my lifestyle. Makes skin tingle for a few minutes right after taking.
Sour gummy, cherry limeade and blue raspberry. Tastes like it too although a lot sweeter than a normal, tart green apple would be.
Two scoops is a 300mg+ of caffeine filled, efficaciously dosed buddy. There is no proprietary blend, so you know exactly what you are taking and if the doses are efficacious or not.
It contains a dangerous sweetener called sucralose. This artic white tastes bad and is very gritty.

Works great, i can feel the ingredients rather than just knowing they are in there, feels and tastes quality and goes down easy.
Great product first time using kicks in quickly for me and stays strong throughout the hour plus workout!
Tho for the taste it is at times like a artificial taste and slightly chemical taste.
It really kept me going, but it caused some gi issues and made my whole body tingly and prickly.
I love this pre workout for the money.
One of my favorites for the price, could use creatine .
The price was affordable and had good reviews as well.
The price is very reasonable as well.
Peach rings / arctic white - alright, but i was getting kinda sick of the flavor by the time i got through the containerblueber... Read More
I've tried quite a few different pre-workout mix brands, including c4 (which is also very good), but this one is my favorite br... Read More
I have tried many different pre workout drinks, non of them come close to this !
I would probably go with a different flavor despite the extra few dollars all the other flavors cost.
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- Our engine has detected that Amazon has altered, modified or removed reviews from this listing. We approximate total reviews altered up to 1579.
- Our engine has discovered that over 80% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 23,188 reviews as of our last analysis date on Jan 31 2025.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Doesnt have that bitter strong after taste
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Good effects so far though im not too thrilled about the subtle aftertaste of pickle
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I would probably go with a different flavor despite the extra few dollars all the other flavors cost
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Its got good effects but i give the flavor on this a 610
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I cut the heavy caffeine usage lately this didn’t make me crazy wired
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Haven’t tried the double scoop probably don’t want to in my case 😂
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
This product didn’t really give me the boost i was looking for not that it was bad by any means but my body just didn’t react the way i was hoping for
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The first day it made me feel very itchy but after the first day it wasn’t intense
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