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Pros & Cons
Fragrance is pleasant and mild. It is quite gentle on the skin. I find this non-irritating for sensitive skin.
Nivea's shaving gel is the best product i've ever used, this stuff is one of the worst. The cap is defective causing the product to eject from all sides. Nothing comes out of the nozzle. Feels like a dry shave.
I almost feel like this was a defective product or counterfeit. The foam is fine but the bottles are garbage. This ones are made in thailand.
My tough beard absorbs the foam quickly and makes each razor stroke smooth leaving a close shave - no irritation or nicks!
This is my first time using this product, originally gillette, great for the sensitive skin, smells great close shave no razor burn!
I've been shaving for over 30 years and frankly i'm tired of it.
My skin can get very irritated with many products, but not with this.
I have this on subscription because we don’t want to run out and the cost is fantastic.
Hard to find locally and this was a stellar price deal.
The cost per shave is very low.
A good product at a very good price.
This shave cream was given to me on a cruise ship when i ran out of my own.
The scent and foam of the nivea is much better than the disgusting scent of the gillette that i used after they discontinued th... Read More
I've tried various brands and this shave foam works the best (weird - i tried the same that's a gel with less than satisfactory results).
I stopped using gillette products when that company told me i was toxic, so i looked around for another brand that was just sel... Read More
Unfortunately, nivea shaving foam looks identical except for the word gel or foam.
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good, great, better, sensitive and best. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has detected that Amazon has altered, modified or removed reviews from this listing. We approximate total reviews altered up to 54.
- Our engine has discovered that over 80% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 5,560 reviews as of our last analysis date on Nov 15 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The guys in my family all have sensitive skin and hated shaving
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Unfortunately nivea shaving foam looks identical except for the word gel or foam
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I mistakenly bought this thinking i was getting the gel and i was past the return window when i realized my mistake
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Edit originally i said that the foam was 34thin34 but then i realized i wasnt shaking it up enough
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Shake it up and its fairly thick
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
But i will continue to stick with the nivea gel after this is used up
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Ive been shaving for over 30 years and frankly im tired of it
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