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Pros & Cons
The price is decent compared to big-box stores. I presume the higher merv is working, as my dust level in the house is a bit lighter than it was previously. This filter is noticeably removing more allergens than it's competitors. Buying in bulk is the... Read More
The merv13 filter is a much better deal than a merv 4-8 filter from a box store. The sturdiness and quality is worth it. They slide in fine (under mount to hvac unit) and don't rattle as some folks have complained.
Air gets * up or falls through the return duct. These have been rendered useless in an hvac system not having been prepared appropriately.
These new filters are improperly sized. They do not fit snugly. They are 3-4 times noisier than any filter i have ever used.
Very happy with the filter so far.
This air filter is sturdy, high quality filtration and a good value
First time adding the carbon filter with the filtration system.
In reviewing the merv things i saw that these would be considered hospital grade which is good.
Really nice filters for a good price.
Even though there was a price increase between purchases, and after re-reviewing this and competitors, i feel i've made the bes... Read More
Been using these for about 2yrs now.
I knew that these were smaller than 20x20 and how mine is set up i had to put something between the 2 filters to fit correctly.
- How are reviewers describing this item?
good, sturdy, ordered, fit and great. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has detected that Amazon has altered, modified or removed reviews from this listing. We approximate total reviews altered up to 1954.
- Our engine has discovered that over 80% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 4,458 reviews as of our last analysis date on May 21 2023.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
As opposed to other noncarbon filters this filters element turn from white to dark gray after installationuse
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I was accustomed to seeing dust buildup on a filter after a 90 day swapchange
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I knew that these were smaller than 20x20 and how mine is set up i had to put something between the 2 filters to fit correctly
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I ordered two and they arrived in a very sturdy box but neither filter was wrapped in anything or had anything saying what merv level they were
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Nothing is written except the dimensions on the filter so i can only hope that’s what i ordered
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I purchased these with hopes that at least the structure of the filter would be strong enough to survive the period of use without failing
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
In reviewing the merv things i saw that these would be considered hospital grade which is good
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The filter density doesnt appear to be that much different from other filters we have attempted so i will take the merv claims at face value
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