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Pros & Cons
The design on the cake is subtle but beautiful; i use it for a nutty spicy holiday cake that needs no icing, only a sprinkle of powered sugar. There are recipes that tell you to pour the glaze over the cake while it’s still in the pan.
Cleaning takes a little care but not nearly as much as the more elaborate nordic designs. It is more challenging to clean due to all the crevices. Clean up was a breeze as well. Just put it on the top rack of my dishwasher and tada, it's clean.
When i got the pan the packaging said it only holds a total of 5 cups. Only 1/2 of a full size bundt cake fits into these pans.
Interior nonstick coating is deteriorated after each use. It's very (very) difficult to clean. Hard to believe that nordic ware makes this pan.
Very sturdy, not like bundt pan mom used.
Item is very easy to clean very sturdy perfect size for individuals
This pan is heavy cast aluminum, non stick.
Sprayed and floured and just slide right out.
Well worth the price if you bake on a regular basis.
Very good stuff for the price and the packaging was very nice
The cake came out perfectly and looked beautiful.
This is a xmas gift so it looks nice.
The design on the cake is subtle but beautiful; i use it for a nutty spicy holiday cake that needs no icing, only a sprinkle of... Read More
Cleaning takes a little care but not nearly as much as the more elaborate nordic designs.
- How are reviewers describing this item?
beautiful, clean, easy, great and nice. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there may be deception involved.
- Our engine has determined that the review content quality is low.
- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 65.9% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 3,001 reviews as of our last analysis date on Apr 24 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
A little disappointed as this cake pan is smaller than industry standard for a bunt pan
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
This means that cooking times are affected
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I like the design and unique look but having extra batter and having to figure out new cooking times is a bit frustrating
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
This was for a young ladys 99th birthday
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
This caused me to reduce the recipes
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
However they were a great center pieces for holiday cookie platters
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Three of my friends ordered this pan after they saw the picture of it
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Somewhat intricate bundt design perfect size durable material nonstick i used baking spray
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