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Pros & Cons
Ashwagandha is an adaptogen, which is supposed to help the body in times of stress. I no longer suffer from chronic adrenal fatigue, as i took steps to help my adrenals heal. This product seems to keep me calm i seem to be less stressful.
It's really the only top trustworthy brand that doesn't use binders, fillers, or magnesium stearate in their capsules. This product is without question the best ashwagandha product i have ever used and i have tried many. It is withaferin a free.
The problem with herbal supplements is people tend to think if it's natural it's ok to dose oneself when actually they're medication and can have disastrous effects. Couldn't sleep for most of the night, had gastric distress and was in and out of the ... Read More
Prices are very good for the quality.
After reviewing the quality and potency of the nutrigold ksm-66 ashwagandha i received, i orderd 4 more bottles for when i run out.
Also, i noticed a more pronounced effect with the nutrigold version than the true veda, which means the purity/source is better... Read More
It worked out but found less expensive alternatives for the same product .
Even at full price i would gladly buy these.
Thankfully it wasn't so severe that taking ashwagandha wasn't effective.
A lot of supplement companies our lazy when it comes to shipping.
The packaging of this product was really great as well.
Nice packaging, and reading the contents composition, i am sure this one is the best available in the market.
So, i take off a star for poor packaging, aka wasteful.
I only take one pill in the am.
I haven't tried any other ashwagandha brand, since buying organic is important to me.
As an adaptogenic herb, it boosts energy, endurance and immunity while supporting a healthy response to stress.
It was rather disappointing, as i have had good results with other nutrigold products.
As ashwagandha goes, nutrigold brand actually seemed less effective for me than others i've used.
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good, great, better, quality and many. - Our AI detects a high amount of irrelevant reviews for this listing. A number of the reviews included in this product may belong to other variations, editions or versions that may not be representative of the current product being sold.
- Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is high deception involved.
- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 40.7% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 432 reviews as of our last analysis date on Oct 19 2022.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Johns wort as a mood booster but ive read about its potential for interfering with birth control
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I found another company that has better prices
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Dont think ive noticed a change i keep trying
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Pricy and comes in a very wasteful box container that is 4 times larger than the bottle
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
So i take off a star for poor packaging aka wasteful
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
And it has to be shipped in a larger box
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
My ocdgermaphobia was ruining my relationship with my boyfriend
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Thankfully it wasnt so severe that taking ashwagandha wasnt effective
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