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Pros & Cons
The amount of epa and dha in a single pill makes it easy to increase or decrease your dose to whatever you want without jumping a huge amount. These pills help to moisten my eyes.
This is one brand of omega3 that i do not burp up fishy grossness. No fishiness and a good quantity of omega 3 in each dosage.
These are easy to swallow and seem to be a good strength.
So far so good just started taking the naturenetics omega but i choose it for its superior quality and out standing reviews
My hand & elbow joints felt lubricated and nerve pain mostly subsided.
Didn't realize how good it worked for dry eye until i ran out of it for a couple of weeks.
I was originally told to get a super expensive fish oil vitamin to help my dry eye, and there was just no way for me to keep up... Read More
This product has that at a very affordable price.
Compared to many other expensive omega 3-fish oil, i found this to be a great value.
I have tried many different brands and so far this one has helped me the most.
With some digging, i found this on a list of similar items for a lower price and i haven't had any dry eye since i started taki... Read More
- How are reviewers describing this item?
dry, great, fishy, far and most. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has detected that Amazon has altered, modified or removed reviews from this listing. We approximate total reviews altered up to 37.
- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 79.7% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 1,453 reviews as of our last analysis date on Nov 14 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
A few years ago i had to carry eye drops with me constantly to deal with my dry eyes
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I asked my optometrist if he knew of any product that would help besides the eye drops he recommended
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
After about 3 weeks of using it i realized i didnt need my eye drops anymore
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
About a year ago due to an inability to find the product i tried 3 different substitutes
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
After about 6 months despite using the highest quality substitutes i could find my eyes were itching like they had a few years ago
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Fortunately amazon had these back in stock and i was able to order them
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
After about 3 weeks of using them my eyes are much less dry and i am getting weaned off the eye drops
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Your mileage may vary but you may want to consider this product if others arent working for your dry eyes
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