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Pros & Cons
Omega one betta pellets are the same size (but better quality as per ingredients label) as hikari bio-gold, which the betta-boys have been eating for a couple of years. They are big enough for my female betta fish (who seems to have difficulty seeing ... Read More
This food is great, yes my bettas love it but i mostly use this for my corydoras. Better ingredients than many betta foods. My bettas love this food. My cories love it so much that they readily spawn eating it.
Omega one buffet pellets have some fresh seafood that was not pre-preserved but are preserved after to keep it from going rancid. After soaking for five minutes, the pellets become softer and must certainly be easier for the fish to ingest. It is a re... Read More
Food is advertised as floating pellets these sink like a stone. In the wild they look for insects at the surface of the water - hence, sinking pellets are worthless. Did not float, sank like pebbles to bottom of tank and turned to mud.
Ethoxyquin is a pesticide although listed in the ingredients as a preservative. It is prohibited in products intended for humans.
I wanted to upgrade from the food supplied and this product works great.
This food smells so fresh it's like they cut up people quality fish and put in in here!
Will buy the product again, but will find a source within canada.
The first thing i noticed is that there is a high amount of quality ingredients, unlike some brands which start out with soy, c... Read More
Many other pellets seem to big for comfort for a bettas mouth.
As a betta fish owner, i try to keep my bettas' diets as diversified as possible.
Pieces are not standard and some are larger than others making my bettas struggle to swallow them.
Perhaps those who claim that the pellets are too big have smaller bettas.
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- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 78.4% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 110 reviews as of our last analysis date on Jul 30 2022.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
But in small amounts it is harmless
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
As another reviewer noted ethoxyquin is the last ingredient in the ingredient list meaning it has very very low volumes
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The united states coast guard regulations subpart 148
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It doesnt make the water cloudy between water changes either
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The food doesnt stay on top for too long because the water filter blows it to the bottom
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
These dont really float nine times out of ten they just sink
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The only annoying aspect is that sometimes the pellet will not float and instead drop to the bottom where he wont even acknowledge it
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Some are extremely tiny for my fussy betta who wont eat larger pellets
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