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Pros & Cons

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It has a flexible plastic core that fits around your arm, and is just snug enough to hold it in place. It takes the diastolic first, and then inflates until the systolic pressure is taken and stops. This also detects your blood pressure when it's infl...  Read More

Every once in a while, there is an off-kilter measurement, so checking 4-5 times really helps makes sure that the measurement is pretty good. It's consistent - which is what i rated accuracy. It’s very professional and seemingly, highly accurate.

I’m pleased with this purchase, and i find it well worth the money. It’s better than i even expected! The monitor is amazing.


The readings it takes are horribly inaccurate. Even among the three readings it was horribly off with huge swings. This cuff reads anywhere from 10 - 20 points high, so i can't just subtract x amount off the reading.

Omron connect is an intrusive piece of adware that needs too many rights on your phone to mine your data. Routine transfer of your data from unit to the app, by bluetooth, is un reliable, and tedious. Only to delete other users records off the app man...  Read More

None of them are as trustworthy as the popular style with the cuff and rubber tube. The result is * and worthless products.

The least user friendly is the type you have to put on a cuff and squeeze a bulb to inflate it. This companies policy is not sustainable as far as i'm concerned. My health is my concern and not my gossipy co-workers.

The code 4 error chastises you that you must not move nor talk during a reading session. This error even seems to confound the technical support people at omron. Management needs to clear this and update the operating manual.

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After a week of use, roughly 3 - 5 times per day, it has worked seemingly flawlessly, in both function and with connection to t...  Read More

The integration is smooth and user-friendly, making health management more convenient than ever.

What truly sets this monitor apart is its effortless connection to the samsung health app.

Connects to my phone to log all bp without any extra steps once you set it up.


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  • Our engine has discovered that over 90% high quality reviews are present.
  • This product had a total of 6,264 reviews as of our last analysis date on Dec 24 2024.

Helpful InsightsBETA

The AI used to provide these results are constantly improving. These results might change.

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    What truly sets this monitor apart is its effortless connection to the samsung health app

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    Connects to my phone to log all bp without any extra steps once you set it up

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    Im a big guy with over 1734 arms and this not only fit me but there was room to spare so if youre at 17

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    I have not yet brought it to my doctors office but will be in a couple days and will modify this review if i have to at that time but so far results appear to be consistent and pretty predictable

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    Our doctor recommended it to us

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    App seems okay but i havent used it enough to comment further

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    This cuff is an upper arm bp cuff

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