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Pros & Cons
After making fresh lemongrass tea and pouring into cup. Not overpowering. Go small at first, this cinnamon is spicy.
When you grind a fresh stick, the taste permeates the powder. The sticks themselves are beautifully rolled and have a rich, reddish-brown hue, a testament to their freshness and quality.
Cinnamon sticks have no fragrance and no taste. No taste at all,like * on a popsicle stick.
Tried wetting them. They also crumble apart a little in the tea. Maybe they were old; i forgot to check the expiration date.
I used these for crafts and really worked well - the smell is great!
I bought these several times, i'm happy with the quality.
This seems like a good product, and i wanted to like it (i use cinnamon sticks in my coffee and tea sometimes.
The cinnamon sticks are small and provide a light, delicate aroma.
Great flavor a little pricy but it’s fresh and i use it for my teas and rice puddings
Wished the packages would come in larger sizes.
I love the smell and taste so much better than the fake cinnamon you buy in store.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
But ill gladly reorder 👍
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It’s a gorgeous reddish brown
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I boiled the ceylon cinnamon stick in a pot of water and waited for it to cool and change color before drinking
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
You can reboil the cinnamon stick to use again
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
For diabetics because i myself was curious about this cinnamon has no caffeine and it did not make me feel dehydrated
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Not unless i drank the whole cup right before bed
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It is a good product but there is very few sticks per pack it would be good if the bag was a little fuller
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Wished the packages would come in larger sizes
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