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Pros & Cons
This, i believe is safer for the family then deet. I know patchouli is thick but it takes a while for a drop to get out of the bottle.
It smells nothing like cinnamon, it just smells like oil. It also smells absolutely horrible and lingered in my home for days.
Not really worth the hassle of returning it. It is a bummer because it seems to be good quality oil. Zero for everything else.
I bought this for someone else, she loves the quality of this brand.
The quality of the oregano oil is excellent.
Really goes a long way to fill the apartment with the scent of cinnamon (or pine, or whatever you get) when used in the diffuser.
The quality, packaging and price was great.
I know patchouli is thick but it takes a while for a drop to get out of the bottle.
This oil is a little muskier than my wife's from vitality.
A few drops in a small cup of water- place in microwave, works like a champ!
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- This product had a total of 37,117 reviews as of our last analysis date on Aug 6 2022.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Heard that squirrels dont like the smell of cinnamon oil
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The squirrels in my yard were digging and eating everything
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Its true havent had squirrels in my yard since i sprayed this around
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Took care of the spiders too
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The oil was thick and the scent was dead on
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