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All and all, this is a great text that, even as a slow reader, was finished quickly and was extremely enjoyable and valuable, o... Read More
As said aptly points out, the oriental (a term we stray from using today for its obviously racist undertones which said careful... Read More
To *be* an oriental is to embody certain assumptions which become proliferated by a discourse (orientalism) whose construction ... Read More
To summarize, the western assumptions and opinions about the orient and its people are short sighted, ignorant, and mostly degrading.
All of these are used to back the oriental into a corner such that he is merely a tool which can be utilized by the westerner.
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said, western, certain, through and such. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
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- Our engine has discovered that over 90% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 2,058 reviews as of our last analysis date on Mar 29 2025.
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Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Paradoxically however said’s main criticism is aimed at such cemented academic fields epitomized by orientalism the field aimed at studying the orient from a western perspective
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Said’s underlying question is stated near the end of the book p
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
As said shows and in a way he explicitly states as being indebted to foucault that culture is constructed principally through the discursive operations of a particular subject
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
To be an oriental is to embody certain assumptions which become proliferated by a discourse orientalism whose construction is such that it is essentially unfalsifiable
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
All of these are used to back the oriental into a corner such that he is merely a tool which can be utilized by the westerner
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Instead said opts for a more historically vast characterization of the problem that still provides the same theoretical points whilst allowing the complexity of his point — that identity is not latent within objects and existing presocially instead existing only within a discourse build on implicit powerimbalances — to shine through to those who may not want or be ready for a text of more abstract a nature
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
You can agree and disagree with the contents of this book yet it still shows good examples of how ideas without the need to be right or wrong get produced and then reproduced and then gain authority informing scholars and policy makers and affecting people they think they understand
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