Product reviews are unavailable. Showing last analysis.

This product's reviews were unavailable when we attempted to do our analysis. If the product is available, please  contact us.
This is the last analysis snapshot initiated on Jan 23, 2016.


  • How are reviewers describing this item?
    good, chicken, here, hot and pretty.
  • Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
  • Our engine has discovered that over 90% high quality reviews are present.
  • This product had a total of 75 reviews as of our last analysis date on Jan 23 2016.
Reviews Summary

We sat outside and listened to the dulcet tones of the homeless man loudly conversing with himselfbeing a starved mamouns newbie i settled on the meat plate for 12

Looks like they gave their interior a make cover to look more modern and fast casual

You get to select your choice of meat and three veggie sides along with either rice or salad plus pitas

Review Count History

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