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Pros & Cons
With this head band, they become the most comfortable headphone in the world, if a bit dorky looking. These retro style headphones are the perfect example of what a reproduction product should be just like the product its inspired by. The sound qualit... Read More
This headband is the best mod out of any for what are already the best cheap headphones you can get. Headband is pretty durable too, for what it is.
It seems that now they've molded to the drivers directly to the headband so they're no long detachable. My ksc75 falls out of the clips to easily with this headband. One of the bare copper wires was not molded inside the black rubber cover.
Surprisingly good sound quality for its size.
Bought these purely for a ksc75 headband upgrade, they fit great and are practically weightless.
The headphones themselves are terrible, call-center quality.
Note - the speaker unit on this is absolutely useless and not worth keeping.
In all seriousness stop raising the damn price on these they are not even worth the on sale price of $7.
People are only buying for the headband that's worth like $2 just sell the headbands in packs of 3 for $10 or something.
But seemed to be cheap as expected since the cost was so low.
On the positive side, these are sold cheaper than what retrospekt is selling them for, and if you add in some orange pads, they... Read More
However, they fit well and apply a much more comfortable amount of pressure than the stock kpp headband.
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good, quality, cheap, comfortable and great. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has detected that Amazon has altered, modified or removed reviews from this listing. We approximate total reviews altered up to 61.
- Our engine has discovered that over 80% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 1,543 reviews as of our last analysis date on Nov 28 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I dont actually know what the stock drivers sound like because i immediately swapped them out for my koss porta pro drivers
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Adjustment is hasslefree and the whole package is now small enough that i can basically carry it around in my pocket
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The plastic isnt super the left driver tends to slip out of the socket when the cable is tugged but overall its a very cheap and effective headband
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Quite literally plug and play
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Top it off with some yaxi pads of your favorite color and you have some of the best budget headphones ive ever tried
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Used as part of my halloween costume have yet to test if it works fits fine but my ears started to get sore after wearing them for a few hours
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
What i mean by the title is if you want a headband for the clip on style of headphones the ksc75 this is where you get said headband
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Best for a walk or a quick run around the block
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