John seems to work out some things through his conversation with the penny.
He ultimately carries on a conversation with the penny that is life changing.
I am not sure i understand the conversation john had with the penny and all it means.
He is shocked when the penny speaks to him.
And while “penny pennington” does provide a view of the world from a penny’s perspective, you also discover a story about how a... Read More
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- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 67.0% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 3 reviews as of our last analysis date on Nov 25 2023.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
He’s on his way home in montreal and it hasn’t been a good day
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The promotion should have gone to john
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Worse it’s raining and he has no umbrella
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
He gets soaked as he exits the bus
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
He sees a penny – an american penny – lying on the sidewalk
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
He senses they’re having problems even if she says they’re not
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
She wants children and he wants to delay them for vague reasons
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
A story about a guy talking with a penny and it’s not horror fantasy or any genre other than contemporary fiction
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