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Pros & Cons
The system is very easy to set up and dial in. Works like a charm. Researched for awhile. The current couch cost $ 2500 and the new couch is probably going to be around $4500.
The delay is too long before shocking cat. I don't agree with devices like this that shocks animals. It's clearly inhumane and needs to be banned.
Easy to install, just plug in and select the distance.
Very straight forward set and forget system that is compatible with the stubborn dog in ground invisible fence systems.
I started with the battery pet safe system, but it worked inconsistently and batteries only lasted a month or 2.
The frequency goes through floors and walls but, like a bubble it’s not a straight line so if they are too low it might not wor... Read More
This saved a lot of money over the invisible fence people, who gave me an estimate of $1500 - items were astronomically high an... Read More
The current couch cost $ 2500 and the new couch is probably going to be around $4500 .
A little expensive but overall, worth it.
We bought it to stop our dogs from throwing themselves at the front door every time there was a delivery.
Not to be confused with the other also “pet safe” branded fence system that is not compatible (seriously this is such a horrifi... Read More
As i said about "petsafe collar", i tried different options before i got these two devices.
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great and tried. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has detected that Amazon has altered, modified or removed reviews from this listing. We approximate total reviews altered up to 80.
- Our engine has discovered that over 90% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 291 reviews as of our last analysis date on Jan 24 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It literally stops him in has tracks
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
He does not go anywhere near the trash or the kitchen counters now
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The beeping alerts them before they get too close
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Only took one correction for each dog to know where to boundary was and now they dont cross it
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
As i said about 34petsafe collar34 i tried different options before i got these two devices
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It took me only one weekend to be watching my cats behavior
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
At the beginning she didnt know where to run to be safe when the alarm sounded so i was putting her in the places where she could stay safe
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
She was very upset those days but in 2 days she learned
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