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Pros & Cons
Stop procrastinating and just buy the * thing. It is on the pricier side, but the value is there. I just wish they weren't so dang expensive now.
The lavendar has no scent, the color is much lighter than it used to. Now it starts smelling after four days already! If i go longer than that it starts to smell and my cats begin peeing outside of the box.
It's so bad! Definitely a disappointment. Not anymore.
This new petsafe litter is garbage. I’m purchasing a different crystal litter which works fine for much less money. Thinking of switching litter boxes? Maybe you need to return to the previous way.
The boxes are no longer absorbing liquid and is no longer easy to clean as the boxes become very flimsy. The litter makes a mess, doesn't absorb well, poop gets stuck behind the rake and the box, that is supposed to hold the poop falls apart. This lit... Read More
Feels like petsafe brand is going the way of some many companies but selling subpar product. Increase in the refills is far too much. No notification of these changes and same high price point.
Lastly, the quality promise gives me confidence in the product.
Anyways these smell fresh, they are functional, easy to replace, and clean off the floor.
The litter, the tray, the powered box itself, they all result in an end product that is greater than the sum of its parts.
The reason for this is that being a reusable tray, it's just plastic on the bottom, while the disposable tray has a bottom that... Read More
Easy, this is a great example of getting what you pay for.
The fact that there are 3 trays included in a single pack is great value for money.
So with 2 cats, that's $42 every 4 weeks, or $546 a year.
I do not care about the price because i would pay a whole lot more to guarantee i don’t have to smell stinky litter
However, knowing this you would think the manufacturer and distributor would not require you to open one box, followed by anoth... Read More
Its so easy to dispose of and there is virtually no smell in comparison to other brands.
I still scoop the poop out every day but it is so much easier as it's just in one spot.
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easy, last, expensive, every and great. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has detected that Amazon has altered, modified or removed reviews from this listing. We approximate total reviews altered up to 13417.
- Our engine has discovered that over 80% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 39,289 reviews as of our last analysis date on Aug 7 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Every cat owner should give this a try
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
We have 1 cat and one tray last about a month or a little less
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It’s pricey but all i can say is that no one realizes i have a cat box or where it is
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
They are horrible pricey but have worth it for me so far
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Unfortunately prices have doubled in recent years making it very expensive but due to medical issues im kinda stuck needing to use this to limit my contact with the litter
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
But i have yet to find a litter my fluffball cant track all the way to the other side of the house so wont ding this product for that
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
However with 2 cats i change this weekly
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It is biodegradable but not biodegradable enough
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