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Pros & Cons
It works well for my boston terrier. It works great for my german shepard. My dog stops barking and does little growls or muffled borks.
I love this thing, it actually works 100% even if you are walking you dog and a neighbors dog goes ape barking i put this behin... Read More
The negative sound safely & easily detracts him from bad behavior.
They do not like the noise it puts off so it completely distracts them from barking when necessary while keeping them alert when needed.
Used to correct behavior a few times and now of i have remote in hand there is no reason to even push the button.
And that's if he came upon ex : a pack of strange dogs or some that was allergic to dogs .
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- Our engine has discovered that over 90% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 1,807 reviews as of our last analysis date on Aug 22 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I have to rescue dogs that are very feisty
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
These is used for our dog just only use second button shortly to get her attention👍
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
He is a rescue gets so excited when people come to visit or when fix it person comes to repair something its very hard to control him not that he means any harm its just that he so strong gets so excited to see anyone
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Ive had this minnie schnauzer rescue for about 4 months now and he has had severe fear barking problems
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Even at the drivethru fast food establishments upon hearing a loud voice over the loudspeaker
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
So much so i could not give my order
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Also when new dogs are walking by with their owners he would go berserk while looking out the front storm door
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
He is my 5th minnie schnauzer and they are barkers but never like my charlie
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