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Pros & Cons
The material is very thick and has a soft rubbery feeling. They are very easy to clean just a little bit of soap and some water and scrub away and they are good to go.
These pacis are some of our favorites. My son is 3 and has severe autism and this is the only paci he will use. These are most like the natural shape of a * and therefore she doesn’t get confused between the paci and the *.
They are great at comforting baby when it's time to sleep, when he's a little cranky, or when he needs a comfort object. My newborn really likes these.
They say 0-3 on the pacifier. There’s no way a pacifier that fits a 3-monthaold baby will also fit an 18-month-old toddler. The * as well not convenient.
These are not advent. Thew them straight in the trash. Kind of being for a newborn. Have a chemical smell and taste to them, even after several washes and soaking overnight.
They are harder to bend then the other ones, making it more durable and perfect for my teething baby!
Light weight, smooth, bright color to make it easy to see.
The 3 month+ version is much stiffer, and my daughter wouldn't use it as a result.
They go through the dishwasher over and over without getting cloudy, cracking, or degrading.
They are worth every penny we spent on them.
And for the bundle pack, it’s a great price!
At this price, it's worth giving a try.
These are a little less expensive than if you were to purchase at a store and the only ones my little one will use.
Amazing product … terrible delivery from amazon.
I loved that i could use 2 and gift 2 with the separate packaging.
My baby loves these pacifiers he prefers them over the other brands.
I did notice other brands would get so much fuzz and even paper towel particulars all over them , i do notice that with these.
I tried so many different pacifiers and my baby never really liked any of them except this brand.
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easy, great, clean, loved and old. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has detected that Amazon has altered, modified or removed reviews from this listing. We approximate total reviews altered up to 242.
- Previous analysis of this listing was an C grade.
- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 77.3% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 55,982 reviews as of our last analysis date on Jun 15 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The baby will only use these pacifiers
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Plus i can look in the hole of it and see her little mouth suckling it’s too cute
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
She’s starting to teeth a bit and if she isn’t suckling on it she’ll knaw on it like a teether
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Amazing product … terrible delivery from amazon
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I brought some other pacifiers from home to the hospital but when my baby was born she wasn’t too fond of them and kept spitting them out
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
They gave us these and i just had to go buy some more because she kept them in her mouth and they weren’t too big
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
These are cheap enough to buy like 20 and you should youre gonna lose drop and never have one handy otherwise but my baby loves it and refuses to use any others
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