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Pros & Cons
Labor tea is supposed to help make each contraction more purposeful. Put in pitcher in fridge and had 1 glass per day. It's pricey, but one box should be plenty for her to enjoy.
This is flavored with mango and pineapple.
If fruity tea is not your thing you won't like this but if fruity is your thing this is great! This tea is fairly sweet (though i don’t see any added sweetener or sugar). The raspberry and herbs flavors are very prevalent and will please anyone who li... Read More
Imo, it's not worth the gamble. Won't be repurchasing. If you don't mind loose leaf, herb lore makes a very similar one and you get waaay more.
The serving size is 2 separate cups per tea bag, which is a rip off. The second cup is excessively weak in flavor. I am not sure if this tea has something to do with the early delivery and precipitous labor, but i will not be drinking it again for bab... Read More
My body is definitely very responsive so i'll stay at 1 bag a day and ramp it up to 2 at 36/37 weeks and update again of baby c... Read More
I’m 38 weeks right now, but it is the best tasting tea i’ve ever had.
I’m not sure how much this contributed but i drank this starting around 34 weeks and i was able to go into labor on my own on t... Read More
My plug fell out on its own, my water broke 48 hours later and my labor was 8hours which all the nurses were like dang!
Not ideal for tea, but imo it’s worthy the price.
So i feel like the price for 15 “good” servings is high.
I've bought their tea's as gifts for soon to be moms, and moms expecting delivery.
This tea was delivered to my house march 1st.
It smells lovely, great size packaging and you can use one pouch twice.
I bought red raspberry leaf tea from the grocery store before buying this and this tastes so good compared to others.
The consensus across the board is they are yummy.
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- This product had a total of 11,632 reviews as of our last analysis date on Nov 18 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Bought this after combing through reviews
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Was trying for a vbac after twins so my uterus has seen some things
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Here’s what i found after using for about 5 weeks at 12 cupsday starting at 35 weeks
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Could have harvested it if i wanted but preferred not to
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It’s not great but since you don’t expect this to be a lifelong purchase and only seasonal in the 3rd4th trimesters
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Not ideal for tea but imo it’s worthy the price
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