Great game and very popular with the family and friends.
Great standalone and even better when paired up with the previous century game
Part of the appeal of such games is the quality of the components and, unlike one disappointed reviewer, the set we received was excellent.
The artwork is great and quality of the components is high(despite the cubes!
Price was better than in local board game shop.
), and because they are based in the usa you then have to pay a ridiculous shipping cost on top of that.
In century spice road which is being proposed as part 1 in a possible trilogy of games, you take on the role of a spice trader ... Read More
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great, easy, good, quality and simple. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has discovered that over 90% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 1,827 reviews as of our last analysis date on Mar 23 2021.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The rules are quick to learn but when playing the choices are difficult to make
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It becomes very tense when you are aiming for the same card
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The artwork is beautiful and i like the touch that the coins are metal not cardboard
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Play a card take a card claim a golem or pick up your played cards
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The crystals look gorgeous brightly coloured and satisfyingly shaped
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The metal coins are even better engraved and heavy they could easily be real money
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
One golem is used as a bridge another picks apples from tall trees another acts as a slide in a playground
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
So for a card that gives you say two yellow crystals the artwork might be a man chiselling at two yellow crystals in a mine
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