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Pros & Cons
I have bursitis in my shoulders and these straps are my solution. The weight distribution across the shoulder is incredible and dissipates the weight of an electric guitar to almost nothing. Long term i believe this will become a backup strap in my gi... Read More
Super comfy and wide. Plat all night in comfort. Only problem is that the neck starts to dive a little more than i would like.
Black with no silly insignias or designs. Discreet in black. High adjustability and padding make it a fantastic value.
The nylon, where the strap ends is sharpand irritated my husband's neck to the point of cutting it. The edge of this strap is very irritating on your neck. Adjustability from both ends is a good idea, but padding should still be closer to one end than... Read More
Similar but doesn't have the the planet waves logo/pick holder. Near one of the attachment points is a low-quality screen print of the d'addario logo, but there is no text of the name. At best this strap is an imitation knockoff.
Great strap for my bass, well made and comfortable.
It is already 2 years that i am using this strap, and it is unbelievably strong, solid and looks like new again!
After 20 years of 2” straps, 20 minutes with this made me realize i had been missing something in my life.
Perceived heft of the guitar is less than my cheap nylon braid straps.
This is actually a great strap for the money - it’s wide and the padding is good.
Affordable and comfortable i have three of these straps.
Amazon prices for this item are literally 1/2 of what guitar center charges.
The price point is quite a deal.
Fast forward a couple of years and here they are!
Funny story, however; the item shipped on this current order by amazon warehouse was not the item in the description.
Delivery was slow, but it’s christmas season.
- How are reviewers describing this item?
bass, comfortable, great, heavy and wide. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has detected that Amazon has altered, modified or removed reviews from this listing. We approximate total reviews altered up to 3.
- Our engine has discovered that over 90% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 578 reviews as of our last analysis date on May 9 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I had bought a couple of these a few years back and when i went to buy another they weren’t available
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I wanted a straight forward guitar strap
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
But the foam in it shrank and disintegrated
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
This one does not have the logo so i am a bit unsure of the providence
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
But it is cheap and seems solid
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Probably the foam wont last 20 years
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Delivery was slow but it’s christmas season
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
A must have if you are ending up with a store shoulder every gig you play
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