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Pros & Cons
The squeeze lock is very stiff and secure while being easy to release. The quick disconnect is a nice feature.
This adapter is perfect in every way. Works great, easy to install and use. This works as advertised.
Makes an acoustic guitar more playable. I like it better if the strings are shorter, so it wont dangle. Holds my thinline acoustic with no problem.
The clasp is so stiff that it cannot be opened. It appears to have been designed to minimize any ability to grip the opening tabs.
The concept is fantastic, but the design is flawed in my humble opinion. What a disappointment. Anothe case of someone designing something and not really using it.
If you aren’t careful when you put the gtr on the stand and let the strap flap waist the neck you end up with small dings in the neck. It seems like a black shoelace would just work better and not be in the way.
Very good very happy with the product.
I have used these for many years, and can't say enough good things about this well designed product.
My guitar teacher made me aware of this product.
The product attaches easily to both slotted and unslotted headstocks, and there is plenty of cord for either arrangement.
Works good and the price was right lot cheaper than the guitar store
Excellent product, excellent price, excellent service, fast shipping
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easy, quick, great, acoustic and good. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there may be deception involved.
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- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 73.7% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 964 reviews as of our last analysis date on Jun 12 2022.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Rather than tying a string around the guitar neck slide the loop under the strings above the nut and pass the clip end back through the loop
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Do something similar with the hole in the strap and snap the two parts of the clip together
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Im probably the only one who would notice it on the left in both pictures right next to the nut but that it damaged my guitar at all is so disturbing
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
My blueridge br40t came with only one strap button so to use my pretty butterfly perris strap i had to tie it onto the head above the nut
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I tried a nylon shoestring type string but it flipped around and would get into my way
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The top of thr strap was close to the neck and it interfered with chord formation ultimately it wasnt an optimal solution
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Flopping around and my left hand has plenty of clearance no matter what chord im trying to make
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I give 4 out of 5 because the quick release clasp is difficult to pinch and open
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